Frequently asked questions

  • Can we simply have a non-binding offer or a price list from you?

    No. Usually that is what people ask for in the very first e-mail. Since it’s not my goal to fill my calendar with gigs, I thoroughly check each unique event to see the conditions I would be working in, as well as what certain needs and special wishes each customer has and the event requires. All of that information, and more, is available in a simple telephone call. This is especially important for weddings. In the end, an agreement always has to work for both parties.
  • I don’t offer recording samples, as it’s difficult to showcase the spectrum of my music in one single mix. A mix would never be able to represent the music that’s 100 % to your liking, and, most importantly, would be the trump for your celebration. Every event is unique and I treat each one that way.
  • Yes, the list would be too long if I wrote them all down. I am open for every and any genre of music and special request that you can think of. The search for new finds, unique and danceable cover versions of well-known songs, and also songs outside of the mainstream really never ends. I do draw the line, however, at “Ballermann-Hits”. After all, I can’t drink that much alcohol!
  • No, but I will gladly give announcements. Whoever’s looking for a DJ in love with the microphone, providing funny animations while announcing every single song title should call DJ Helmut. Mood and atmosphere is conveyed best through the music itself!
  • Of course, I always try to play the right mix of music depending on the guests at the event. There are also other components, however, that are very important to me: Beat-mixing, as long as the specific songs allow it; technical equipment that is in the upper price category; tasteful light in motion instead of constantly blinking carnival lighting; elegant stand covers (when appropriate); neatly laid out cables and no poster advertisements.
  • Sure. Technically, worldwide.
  • Yes. I work with a handful of DJs from Dresden who are on the same wavelength as myself and also accompany weddings. If one of them is the right DJ for your event, then I will gladly give a recommendation.
  • DJs are actually not expensive. Unfortunately, people often underestimate the responsibility that a DJ has. The amount of time that a good DJ dedicates to each and every event is much more than simply the performance time itself; consider the organization of the event, the consultation to make sure you get exactly the right music for your event, equipment set-up and take-down, transportation, pre-editing of song lists, etc.. If you consider all of the other additional costs of, e.g., the equipment itself, the music, the vehicle, etc., you can see where the costs quickly add up. Generally, the wisest thing to do is to find the DJ that you have a good gut feeling about and who seems to be on the same wavelength as you and your guests, costs aside. After all, your celebration is a one-time event!